Today we have an interview with some folks who I have known for a long time, but who I never met until this past weekend. We talk about building resilience into your life on LFTN, but we don’t examine very closely how communities, real communities work. Communities of people willing to put aside small differences of opinion to help one another. Self reliance and taking care of yourself is important.  So we will talk about how a scrappy group of independent people who love homesteading, learning new things, and increase stability in their lives and in the lives of those around them found each other, built trust, and became a tight community despite having never really met. I’ll also give you an update on how the pig roast went and tell you how the Holler Roast Kickstarter went!

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Howdy everyone,

Exciting news! Jack Spirko over at The Survival Podcast interviewed me today! Check out the podcast, “Building Local Demand for a Niche Market.”

Let me know what you think.

Nicole Sauce



Today we get to have some fun with lots of different topics. We’ve had quite a few questions in the last two weeks, and with a looming weekend pig roast in the offing, I thought today would be the perfect time for a Listener Q&A show. So we will talk about grinding your own wheat for flour and the pros and cons of that, give a shout out to a small craftsman who made me something extraordinary – sounds mysterious I know but it will make sense when we get there, talk about hindsight on my homestead, talk about my favorite itchy rash a bit more, cover raised beds in year one when you are using commercial dirt, and then wrap it up with a question about a doggie first aid kit.

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Today I will share a Holler Homestead update and coffee progress, talk a bit about the health care bill that passed last week, and what I have been able to find out it, then walk you through project two of the Learn Canning in 8 Projects series.

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I am coming to you today from a place called Highland Rim Retreats near Fall Creek Falls in Tennessee!  Today, I thought it would be fun to do something a little different. We will talk about the five elements of homemade salad dressing. Read more

We’ve gotten lots of feedback on the last episode from folks who wanted to go to that workshop and have never been able to. It got me to thinking. What if we do a homesteading workshop right here this coming September? In former years, we have had one or two orientations followed by lots of raucous camping fun, but wouldn’t it be fun to do something that allows us all to share best practices from Tennessee on what we are best at?

Deal: Cider Hollow wants to offer 5% off their bare root trees and comfrey. Get ’em while you still can!

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This week I took the opportunity of being in the car for 26 hours with the famous Mike Vertrees to record an interview with him about the workshop we attended at Jack Spirko’s place. This workshop was fantastic – and exhausting. There will be expanded show notes on Wednesday, my friends.

Song: Dr. Feeley, Dr. Skinner – Sauce

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Today we will talk about how important it is to build flexibility into your life because it helps make you more resilient when things change. We will also talk about what has happened since we started getting serious about the egg and coffee business, cover how the paper is doing and I will share with you a bit about how the Grafting workshop went over at Cider Hollow

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Today we are going to talk about what NOT TO DO when you first move to your new homestead. These are three things that I really wish we had known before we dove into the Holler Homestead. Also today, a brand new gluten free, dairy free, soy free potluck recipe. I’ve got some updates to share about the Holler Homestead and we will go over Toby Hemenway’s 8th chapter of Gaia’s Garden.

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On today’s show, I will walk you through a specific recipe you can try at home with produce purchased at the store for your first canning project. This is in advance of our soon to be produced youtube series: Learn Canning with 8 Home Preservation Projects. Also cued up for the show is another segment from Samantha the Savings Ninja! She will give us her top picks for phone apps that can save you money.

Also, Holler Roast coffee is officially for sale online at It is $14 a pound plus shipping, and of course the best shipping rate is for 5 pounds, but two pounds ship for a fairly reasonable price too!

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