Lots of things happened in the last week, including my first time in a hurricane, more goat hijinks, and success in preserving food. But even more interesting is a new interview with Dori. Remember Dori? She reached out earlier this year because she had purchased a dreamy sounding property in Missouri complete with deteriorating cabins and a home built onto the side of a cliff and into a cave! We had a fun interview right after her first weekend at the property and talked about her plans for the land. Dori will be on after our regular segments to give us an update on how things have developed in the last six months.

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Today we will take a look at what fall means on the homestead – or rather falling into winter. The sprint has started. Everything is ripe. Animals must have winter-ready food, water and shelter. Firewood must be cut and stored. Harvest festivals are in full swing. And this year, things are about a month early in Tennessee by my reckoning. Guys, I already have chestnuts. For those of you who do not live on a homestead, fall feels more busy than spring because each week, the weather gets a little colder. And the last two weeks have been zingers at the Holler Homestead, especially with a new coffee business this year, the need to sell more ads for the Center Hill Sun, and my being a bit behind on canning this year.

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Today, I run through stories and do a debrief after having spent a week helping with logistics (from Tennessee) for bringing aid to victims of Hurricane Harvey. This was recorded from my car using the Zello app because with all the time needed to help with on the ground logistics, the only time I could carve out to record was in the car, driving someone to the airport.

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Today, we will talk about one way you can help people in Houston immediately, as well as 2 things you should be prepared for in your own life in case a weather disaster ever strikes your home.

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Today, I am joined by Whitney and John Athayde to tell us about a project they built together: HomesteadOji.com. This colorful set of emojis for iPhone tell the day to day story of a homesteader, from “Fox in my coop” to “goat kicked over the milk bucket.”

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Eating Seasonally and Tales from the Prepper Pantry
This is where we share what we are eating as it comes to us – and talk about ways to use what we store.

  • Corn corn corn corn corn corn
  • Round 2 of green beans is almost here
  • Tomatoes still trickling in
  • Watercress is back in force and other fall wild edibles should be coming on soon
  • Recipe of the week will be Bacon Cinnamon rolls, and here is why

What we are preserving this week
Where we share what we are preserving for winter storage

  • Sauerkraut
  • Elderberries
  • Lemon Balm
  • Might can corn

Garden Economics project

  • Seeds have germinated, so I pulled back the straw to let them get bigger
  • Found two volunteer tomatoes – these are the best kind.



Friends, next week we are at ground 0 here in the Holler for the Solar Eclipse, so the show will not be recorded until Tuesday. Why? Because I am going to don my eclipse glasses and check out this once in a lifetime experience!

Make it a great week.

Song: Strange Child

Today, I will share with you some ideas on what you can put in your fall garden – and share the fall mix of seeds that we are hoping will grow a nice fall garden here at the Holler Homestead. Along with this I will share the garden update – Because it is time to get that planted here in Tennessee. Indeed, I think I am a bit late, but usually these things work themselves out. Also today, we will hear from Samantha the Savings Ninja with a tip for all of us. And I will share with you a few recipes we are working on this week.

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Eating Seasonally and Tales from the Prepper Pantry
This is where we share what we are eating as it comes to us – and talk about ways to use what we store.

  • The great freezer defrost project of ‘17
  • Watercress
  • Cucumbers
  • Mexican sour gherkens
  • Hot peppers: Giardinair
  • Holler Stew relies heavily on leftover thanksgiving turkey, fresh green beans, and fresh corn from the farmers market.

What we are preserving this week
Where we share what we are preserving for winter storage

  • Basil
  • Green Beans
  • Sauerkraut – made the deal
  • Lemon Balm
  • Sage

Eight things to plant in August.

Song: Feed My Hunger by Sauce

In today’s episode, we replay a timely episode from last year. Because squash happens. And because Nicole Sauce is traveling.

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Make it a great week!

You’re in for a good show today, it’s a variety show! That’s right, today I will roll through feedback and questions sent in by you, our listeners!

  • A question on building a WordPress business
  • Getting a side hustle started
  • Stinging Nettle uses and recipes
  • How to make bacon
  • Holler Roast Update

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Today we walk through the process of canning green beans along with tips on how NOT to contract botulism on accident, I’ll share with you how the power of social capital is moving our coffee business along, and we will have an update on Hey Hey, the orphaned baby chick.

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But before we do that: I wanted to share with you a new experience I had: Swarm.City.

  • What it is
  • Why you might care
  • The “Slack”

Resources for today’s show:

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Today, we are back on track with an episode about homesteading life. I will talk a little bit about going off grid, when it does and does not make sense, as well as share with you the analysis that my friend Shawn over at HackMySolar did here at the Holler Homestead. And no, he isn’t paying me to talk about this. But if you have not checked out his website HackMySolar.com and you are interested in solar and other off-grid things, check out his site.

I will share with you some of the chaos of raising both chickens and ducks and what happens when the duck hatches baby chickens. I’ve got a good question in about coffee roasters and what to consider when upgrading. Samantha the Savings Ninja has a special message you may want to listen to before Father’s Day. And finally, I’ll share a personal story of pain that ended well because my animal first aid kit and human first aid kits were well stocked.

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