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Today we talk about cooling weather, forward progress on house projects, pool planning for extra results on the homestead, the redneck spray fairy and more!

Featured Event: 7pm BILLY BOND on Self Reliance Voices: Learn From Legends

Sponsor 1: The Wealthsteading Podcast InvestableWealth.com

Sponsor 2: SelfRelianceFestival.com

Labels Matter

Pool Planning

Rain is helpful and the cooling is nice

Ready to Move the Rams

New Fence Charging System is In

Rabbitry Under The Big Chestnut Tree

Gravity Feeding tactical’s Garden

Redneck Spray Fairy

Orchard Update

Delicious Tomato Seafood Recipe

Live Beef Tongue Today

Reseeded the green beans

Cucumbers and Tomatoes Galore

Peppers Are Coming On

Rosemary in the Pond Looks Good

Need to get the Chipper Fixed or Rent One

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board



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Join me for a group discussion with John Willis of Special Operations Equipment and members of our community and beyond about building the life you choose, current events, building a durable life, community development, business, getting started, health and more. 

Each Tuesday, we welcome a different guest to tell their story, as well as take your questions live. 

Featured Event: The Self Reliance Festival, SelfRelianceFestival.com


Show Resources


Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee



Main content of the show

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



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Today we talk about how to get ready NOT for what is coming this fall, but how to be ready for what happens after both this fall and THE fall.

  August 29-31: Homesteaders United (A group with Billy Bond) has a Jamboure in August! 

Sponsor 1: AgoristTaxAdvice.com

Sponsor 2: DiscountMylarBags.com

Livestream Schedule

  • Tuesday Live With Sonny Puzikas and John Willis
  • Friday Homestead Happenings with the Tactical Redneck

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Preparing to redo the roof and interior
  • Resupply run this week (Cosi App)
  • Canning tomato sauce & Salsa

Weekly Shopping Report from Joe

Aldi: We found everything we wanted. A few prices dropped this week. Staple prices were: bread (20 oz. white): 1.25 (-); eggs: $2.55 (-); whole milk: $2.92; heavy cream: $5.39; OJ: $3.45; butter: $3.59; bacon: $3.99; potatoes: $4.49; sugar: $2.99; flour: $2.35; and 80% lean ground beef: $3.79.

We didn’t go into Home Depot again this week, but the price online of a 2x4x8 is still $3.48.

A gallon of untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.599. 

Frugality Tip

My frugal tip is not a money tip, it’s a time tip  

Watering trees:  Hubby and I spent way too much time watering new trees around our property.  We found some cheap five gallon buckets, drilled four holes in the bottom using his smallest drill bit. Now to water a tree, we put the bucket beside the tree on the up side if it’s on a hill and fill the bucket up and walk away. Let the bucket do the work.  The water slowly drains out of the bucket into the ground to the roots where you want the water, not running off because the hose delivers the water too fast.  


Operation Independence

  • Trading Lamb for Beef

Main topic of the Show: Preparing For After THE FALL

    • Resist
    • Real Relationships: Take the time you have to learn about and build true community – and family –  groups based on real trust rather than fake marketing to help each other and do better – kind of like a school of fish versus one love fish. 
    • Alternative Economy: Tap into your inner agorist. We have everything we need to prosper right here. We have the skills, the knowledge, the connections, the tools. We just have to stop depending on THE SYSTEM and start being OUR system (Note this does not mean do not use the tools we have from THE SYSTEM)
    • Financial Ducks In A Row: Debt, money enterprise, Bitcoin, etc
    • Get Out Of The Way: Moving to the country…
    • Health Matters: 
    • Digital Hygiene: Last week the Internet broke. That is your early warning. Ill be sharing my journey starting with an Above Phone FWIW.
    • Grow Your Own Food: Garlic Self Reliant example. If you literally cannot ir will not grow your own food, see item 2.
    • Take Security Seriously: The police shooting in Cookeville TN
  • Resist

Most importantly – STOP PANIC PREPPING


VEVOR Burr Coffee Grinder review

Coupon Code VVPROMO

Product Link

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




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Fire blight, whey, fire ants and raid – today on Homestead Happenings!

Featured Event: Oct 3: Escapeology with Sonny Puzikas: https://selfreliancefestival.com/product/fight-hacker-escapeology/?aff=nicolesauce

Sponsor 1: AgoristTaxAdvice.com/Webinar

Sponsor 2: TheWealthSteadingPodcast.com


  • Nothing new but keeping my eyes on the elderberries and looking for goldenrod
  • Yarrow is looking stressed


  • Duck molting season
  • Rats
  • Ram Preps with the super mega zapper and another $1k in fencing supplies
  • Havent moved rabbits yet
  • Feeding Livestock dogs once a day
  • Vet visit today in the pasture/barn


  • Fire Blight in the Orchard, Fire Ants
  • It rained and will rain a ton next week (Planting beans for the fun of it)
  • Pepper Plants
  • Chard is doing well but stressed – calcium and whey foliar spray

Harvest Meals

  • Smoker Saves on AC
  • Planning based on what is on hand – sautee, salad, sauce

Holler Neighbors/Community

  • The Great Tomato Trade of 2024


  • Pond Update
  • Ask about the tomato wall?


  • Making a little money from hipcampers: $80

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board



I love pickles. I love squash. That’s a great combination. Read more

If you’re like me, you love a good cup of coffee, and that means having a good coffee grinder.

With Holler Roast having a commercial burr grinder, I rarely have the opportunity to test consumer grade one, but I got my hands on the Vevor Conical Burr Grinder the other day and there are some things I really like about it – and also a trick I figured out to make sure you get that outer burr seated correctly after cleaning.

Small and Strong
First, let’s talk about the size. The Vevor Conical Burr Grinder is one of the smaller electric grinders I have found. To go any smaller, you are looking and a hand cranked one. It doesn’t take up much space on the counter and it feels strong and sturdy We will see how long it lasts. With very few moving parts, I am optimistic for its durability.

Simplicity Wins

This grinder is super simple to use. It has a dial that you twist to set how fine or coarse you want your coffee to be ground. There’s also an on/off button that you can press halfway to grind and release as you release your finger, or all the way to toggle on and off.

Why Burrs Are Better
The big difference in quality that you get with a burr grinder over a spinning blade style one is consistency in the size of the coffee ground. Yes I am talking that individual spec of coffee that gets hit with the hot (or cold) water, which extracts the flavor. The whirling blade style has variable sized grounds and inevitably some sludge sized ones. With a burr grinder, the size of the ground is more consistent, which improves the quality of your coffee extraction.

This is totally coffee nerd stuff guys. Most people will not notice the difference except the reduction in sludgy grounds being in your cup.

Easy to Clean
Cleaning the Vevor Conical Burr Grinder is really easy. It comes apart quickly, and you can clean it in just two minutes each day. This keeps your coffee fresh and stops gross build-up from ruining your brew.

Reassembly Hack
Here’s the trick you need to know:

when you put the grinder back together after cleaning, make sure you do it the right way. If you don’t, it might only give you a coarse grind. But don’t worry, once you know how, it’s a piece of cake. You can see how I line up the outer conical burr in this video.

Fast forward to minute 3:10.

Great DealThe Vevor Conical Burr Grinder has an excellent cost-to-fun ratio at only $46. Plus, you can get an extra 5% off with the coupon code VVPROMO. You can buy it here with my affiliate link and I’l get a little something something.

And don’t forget, for the freshest coffee beans get your coffee at HollerRoast.com. Fresh beans make a big difference in your cup!

Direct Download

Join me for a group discussion with John Willis of Special Operations Equipment and members of our community and beyond about building the life you choose, current events, building a durable life, community development, business, getting started, health and more. 

Each Tuesday, we welcome a different guest to tell their story, as well as take your questions live. 

Featured Event: The Self Reliance Festival, SelfRelianceFestival.com


Show Resources

Blake Rymer on Youtube

Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee



Main content of the show

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



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Today we talk about how to make cheese around three kinds of cheese that are wonderful to eat and from which to learn how to make cheese.

Featured Event: Self Reliance Bootcamp, October 4

Sponsor 1: EMP Shield, Coupon Code LFTN

Sponsor 2: DiscountMylarBags.com


Livestream Schedule (All Central Time)

  • Tuesday Live with Blake Rymer, TN Mountain Farm, 12:30PM
  • Tuesday Night with Angry Prepper, 8pm
  • Friday Homestead Happenings with The Tactical Redneck, 9:30am


Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Sad Canning Season So Far
  • Home for a bit so doing “oldest first” from the freezers
  • Fresh Cucumber Salad Recipe
  • All the DILL from DAWN


Frugality Tip from Nicole

  • Using a camper for lodging


Operation Independence

Hip Campers coming this week!


Main topic of the Show: Three Soft Cheese To Get You Started


Why Cheese? Why Homemade?

A Brief History of Cheese (Visual Aid)

How to get started – path of least resistance

Milk, Culture, Acid, Calcium Chloride (1/4 teaspoon of powdered calcium chloride to 1/4 cup of water), Rennet, Cheese Cloth, Strainer, Instant read thermometer, measuring cups, pots, strainer


  1. Homemade Ricotta: ½ gallon mils, heated to 180-190. Add 2 tablespoons lemon juice and stir. Let cool. Strain and salt to taste
  2. Farmer’s Cheese: Cream Cheese: ½ gallon mil heated to 180-190. Add ¼ cup vinegar and stir. Let cool. Strain. Mix in salt and herbs to taste
  3. Cream cheese upgrade: Vitamix
  4. Chevre: 1 gallon milk. Mesophilic culture, CaChl, rennet. Heat mild to 80-90. Stir in caChl, culture, then rennet. Let sit at 80 for 12 hours. Ish. Strain til the right consistency. Add 1tsp salt and mix in any herbs.


Storing soft cheeses


Sum it Up


Make it a great week!




GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 





Ah, summer squash. Which variety is your favorite? Capitalize on the ease and speed of this side dish that’s good for most restricted diets. I won’t specify ingredient amounts, but a rule of thumb is one 6″ squash per adult eater. Read more

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Join us for a discussion of gardening when also not there, ram logistics, canning season update and more.

Featured Event: Self Reliance Voices Webinar Series

Sponsor 1: AgoristTaxAdvice.com/Webinar

Sponsor 2: TheWealthSteadingPodcast.com

Pond area

  • History
  • Progress report



  • Marking jerusalem artichokes
  • Blackberries are ripe
  • Usual summer forage: red clover, dandelion flower, day lily
  • Mulberry leaves to the rabbits



  • Moving rams to my house
  • Bruny’s tick bite
  • Discuss moving rabbits temporarily
  • Ducks on strike
  • Wasps in the chicken coop (Hanging a fake nest in there)



  • Grass growing
  • Harvested garlic – meh year likely because I planted late
  • Peppers are doing well
  • Gardening while away


Holler Neighbors/Community

  • Hay help goes both ways



  • More grounding rods at the house to contain rams
  • Camper repairs continue



  • $1000 on fencing


Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!



Advisory Board
