Why stop drinking coffee at 3 pm? Why not take a two-hour break and start again with Happy Hour?

We’ll start with a recipe for simple syrup, which many cocktails use. Read more

I boost protein content a bit with extra eggs, add anything from the refrigerator that needs to be eaten, and freeze the results to meter out when the morning hungries hit. I’ll write instructions for both wheat and any gluten-free flour you have on hand. Of course, if you use wheat, just call these Easy Muffins. Bear in mind that ingredients vary with inspiration and availability – and have fun.

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Broccoli Spoon Bread is definitely a comfort food – hot, starchy, and cheesy – from plain ingredients. It’s also health food, containing protein; calcium; Vitamins A, B6, C, and K; […]

  • 4 TBS balsamic vinegar
  • 4 TBS shagbark hickory syrup
  • 3 TBSP sour cream
  • 1 TSP salt
  • 3 TBSP olive oil

Place ingredients in a pint-sized mason jar and securely tighten the lid. Shake well to mix the ingredients. Store in the fridge when not in use.

Do you love Ranch dressing on lots of things: pizza crust, carrot sticks, French fries, bacon, and even salad?

Here’s a recipe from scratch.

At the Holler, we make the mayonnaise with olive oil and duck eggs. Decades ago, we used MSG to bring out the flavor in this dressing, but now we think Worcestershire sauce is a healthier idea. Read more

If you love your after-dinner espresso and your Black or White Russian, try this derivative – made with great coffee, of course. Read more

Nicole Sauce’s grandfather was a cook from the time he served in the military until his death, a span of 70 years or so. For several decades, he owned and did the bulk of the cooking for a nifty small restaurant in a scenic small town not too far from Portland, Oregon. One of his sons, Nicole’s dad, worked during his teen years as a short-order cook at Darby’s and went on to a career in food science.

Let’s celebrate with a breakfast sausage the entire extended family clamored for – well over 100 people during Nicole’s childhood – when relatives joined for meals. This recipe came directly from Darby, makes just a taster’s worth of sausage (so you know he scaled it down for household use), and bears the name he gave it. Read more