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Today will be the first in a series of shows on Aquaponics – and today is the most basic of overviews – from the perspective of a user, not an installer, not a designer, but someone who has been hands on with an Aquaponics system for a year.

#HollerHatWednesday: Whose floor is she on and who or what threw her there?

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Today, I talk through something kind of personal – the thought process on whether to push through the hard time in my business or to pull the plug. This is a place everyone seems to come to when starting a micro business (under 5 employees) and I am right there. But more on that in the main section of today’s show.

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Today, we have a thought of the walk for Friday about Doers versus Takers. It really is amazing what happens when you gather a group of doers together and the become friends. Perhaps this is why the communities that work the best are based on doers, not takers. More on that in the show today.

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Today, I talk about how to begin implementing a permaculture approach to your homestead. This has been at the front of my mind this year as I started taking a PDC. I will share with you how I stumble across permaculture, what it is, and some steps we have taken here to begin adjusting our homestead to be more functional through permaculture design. Don’t get me wrong: I am a student of permaculture sharing my journey with you, not an expert. 

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with? @nicolesauce1 on Instagram

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It is so easy to get hurt by what people say and do to you – even when those same people meant something completely different. Today, I have a reminder for all of us to not take things so personally. It is not about you and it is not about me most of the time – but we perceive the world through our view – and everything can seem personally targeted to us, even when it isn’t. We will discuss that and some ways to reframe your view right after our regular segments.

Cookbook update – Got my copy for a final edit – very excited to launch it!

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Today we will talk about the annual process of preparing for summer in the pantry. You see, we are moving from eating what we have stored in large part to eating fresh foods and storing the excess and with that comes the need to audit, reorganize and plan for the coming year.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with? (on Instagram: @nicolesauce1)

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Today, we talk about some highlights from the spring workshop we had here at the Holler Homestead. The Tactical Redneck and Mama Sauce will join me to give their perspectives as well.

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Today is a big day at the LFTN Spring Workshop! We will have sessions all day then land at the barter blanket where folks have the fun of trying to tell the bet story to sell their wares. We bring you a timely replay today on how to make homemade salad dressing.

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We are just launching out first evening of workshop hijinks today, so I bring you a replay episode in honor of my good friend The Tactical Redneck who has worked his ass off helping us get all set up for the big event.

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This week, we have the Spring Workshop at the Holler Homestead so Living Free in Tennessee’s podcasts will be all replay episodes all the time. First up this week, “Breakthroughs Happen When You Least Expect Them.” It is always nice to have a reminder to make time to have the breakthroughs you need. I hope you enjoy this episode.

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