Featured posts

Today, I address a number of questions about turkey, stock, try a new coffee from Australia, talk about freedom, and much more as we head into a rural American winter. Holler Roast is growing and we are finding new pathways to standing on our own, without steady employer oversight. There is still a pig here who wandered onto the land. And, while the goats do not make an appearance in the podcast, I do say the word goat at least one time.

Also, I didn’t burn the house down on Sunday, so …

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It’s Thanksgiving week and you all know what that means. We are in full holiday season mode. It’s time to buy the children of all your friends some cheap plastic toys, go into debt buying that heirloom ham, and run frantically around attending all the parties and gatherings, including a thing called “Friendsgiving” so that by January 3rd you are broke, sick, and surrounded by clutter. This is one of my favorite times of year because if you get it under control, there is so much fun to be had.

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Today we replay an important episode, “Why Build Resilience in Your Life,” from the past, but there are a few new announcements.

Cider Hollow Pig Processing Event

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Today I want to talk with you about stress and more importantly letting it go because life is too precious to waste on worry and fussing. And this year has been a doozy of a year for stress in my personal life, as well as professionally. So many ups and downs, so many reasons to lose confidence, so many reasons to thank friends and family, and so much potential for new things to come.

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Tales from the prepper pantry
Sweet potatoes really should come out of the ground and be set aside to cure in the mud room.
All squashes are dead and we just have radishes left in the the gardens
The first venison infusion has arrived and we still have some from last year that we want to eat up
We got a banana tree! It has to go in the tunnel
I am starting to assess winter stores of animal food to ensure we have a month’s worth extra at a time
Oysters are coming on and the watercress looks about ready to harvest
There is still wild mint!

What we are preserving this week
Loofah Preservation

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Song: Calling Your Name by Sauce

Today, I will give you a big goaty update – loosely organized around five things that the goats have taught me about fencing. I also have an update on the caramel recipe I covered last week, and someone asked me a question about vanilla extract.

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Remember folks, if you want to drop a comment or question to me, you can do so my emailing me at nicolesauce@gmail.com, or leave a comment over at livingfreeintennessee.com

Tales from the prepper pantry

  • We got all the pantry things moved into the pantry, the insulating done for winter!
  • The first frost landed this week, so we have the last of the tomatoes from the garden, the peppers, and the squash.
  • Looks like the radishes and peas made it so we will hopefully get some things
  • Kale time is near
  • Starting to eat through the last of last year’s canned goods
  • This week’s Holler Stew

What we are preserving this week

  • Apples if the opportunity arises
  • Fingers crossed for venison

Caramel Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/24952/caramel-popcorn/

Vanilla Extract Ratio: 13 oz to 1 gallon booze

Howdy everyone,

Today it was my honor to be interviewed over at The Survival Podcast! Had a great time talking Jack – he always sees things in a way that other people don’t and I love that about him!

Check it out here.

Today, we talk now about some homemade holiday gift ideas that you can start now so that they are fantastic by December!  Also today, we have a coffee business update, and a special announcement!

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Lots of things happened in the last week, including my first time in a hurricane, more goat hijinks, and success in preserving food. But even more interesting is a new interview with Dori. Remember Dori? She reached out earlier this year because she had purchased a dreamy sounding property in Missouri complete with deteriorating cabins and a home built onto the side of a cliff and into a cave! We had a fun interview right after her first weekend at the property and talked about her plans for the land. Dori will be on after our regular segments to give us an update on how things have developed in the last six months.

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As we rutch into fall season, and to prepare you for the coming night where the screen between the world of the dead and the world of the living, I thought we could talk about the most important of homesteading plants to foster on your land: Garlic.

Garlic is one of those cure-all vegetable with its antiseptic properties, bug deterring scent, sauce-flavor-boosting characteristics, and it even keeps vampires at bay!

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Today we will take a look at what fall means on the homestead – or rather falling into winter. The sprint has started. Everything is ripe. Animals must have winter-ready food, water and shelter. Firewood must be cut and stored. Harvest festivals are in full swing. And this year, things are about a month early in Tennessee by my reckoning. Guys, I already have chestnuts. For those of you who do not live on a homestead, fall feels more busy than spring because each week, the weather gets a little colder. And the last two weeks have been zingers at the Holler Homestead, especially with a new coffee business this year, the need to sell more ads for the Center Hill Sun, and my being a bit behind on canning this year.

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