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Today, we are going back to our roots with an episode about food and how to prepare it: Namely lamb. Apparently spring is lamb processing season and more than one has asked me to share recipes so I will give you five today.

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Today is Friday and we have a Thought of the Walk Episode. I was inspired to talk about something no one is really bringing up – getting past this economic disaster and health problem. Governments everywhere are rolling out plans to “restart the economy.” WTH?? It is not up to the government to do this – it is up to us.

May your weekend be fruitful and your beacon shine brightly.

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Today, I hopped over on Mewe to ask what folks would like to hear about and got a laundry list of ideas. Mr. Eash posited one that I thought would be timely today: changes you might want to make to be ready to not leave for 4 weeks in light of our extension through April 30 on stay at home orders. He was asking from the perspective of a homestead, but I will take a bigger lifestyle view of this.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

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Side Hustle Working Group: https://calendly.com/sparkcomm/side-hustle-working-group?month=2020-04

Webinar on Gardening: https://www.livingfreeintennessee.com/product/ways-to-launch-your-garden-in-2020/

Youtube Livestream – Holler Neighbors Discuss Five Weeks With No Grocery Store: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVFBSqiFsPA

Stump the Sauce – side hustle ideas from Farmer Harry

Tales from the Booze Whisperer

  • Violet syrup

What’s Up in the Garden

  • Last round of planting seeds (for round 1) this week
  • Transplanting tomatoes way too early this week- they are 2 feet tall
  • Strawberry round two transplanting Thursday
  • Greens are looking great
  • A word on protecting plants through a late frost (cover, candle, move air)

Main topic of the Show: 6 fundamental changes to make post covid19

  1. Eliminate Debt and Save Money
  2. Learn Proper Pantry Management/Reasonable Food Storage
  3. Take Control of Your Health
  4. Produce Food at Home
  5. Develop community service habits
  6. Push Back on Centralized Government Programs (food stability, healthcare stability, etc)

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

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Today at your request, I talk through practical approach to building side hustle income into your life. This is meant to help you get the right frame of mind as you build revenue streams, rather than send you off to try 14,000 new hustles. Because right now, there are opportunities, if just working at Krogers for a month or two, and no need to feel totally hopeless about income if you have lost your job.

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Today, I take questions about making the perfect pot of coffee, growing lettuce, inverters and read what y’all have built in your lives that is making you more stable through this halting of our economy.

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Today, we talk through three ways to kickstart your fresh vegetable pipeline if you are running into grocery store shortages. I have been hearing varied reports of fresh vegetable shortages, or conversely way too many fresh vegetables and thought now would be a good time to talk through some of the faster ways to get something fresh back into your diet in as few as 3-4 days.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and what is she doing??

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Today we walk through some things to consider as you find or reevaluate your purpose. Because now is a great time to look to the future and find opportunities to get you there.

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Today, I get the honor of talking to a fella who I have admired for years, who cares about freedom and who understands that food security throughout the country would be vastly improved if we could get the government regulators out of our business and let folks sell food to one another, from the bottom up rather than further a centralized food system that puts us all at risk when deliveries no longer come for whatever reason.

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Today we talk about five ideas for storing your pantry items in a way that is easy to access, or at least easy to manage.

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#HollerHatWednesday, Where is she and what is she doing?


Stump the Sauce

  • BLT With Canned Tomatoes

What’s Up in the Garden

  • Pig
  • Rabbit
  • Chicken

Main topic of Today’s Show: Five Pantry Storage Ideas

Make it a Great Week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



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The first strip blanket has been waiting for LFTN 2020 workshop, which has been delayed. So let’s see how the blanket turned out. Read more