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Episode 991 – To Speed Up, First Slow Down

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Today, I share my thoughts on slowing down so that you can speed up, go over the update from the prepper pantry, share a frugality tip and more.


Featured Event: Solar Webinar with Shawn Mills, January 19, 3pm

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Transition to carnivore for the challenge is complete
  • Sunday “pile of meat”
  • Homegrown Cooking episode with Dawn this friday: Probably cooking a cow’s heart but who knows?
  • January Pantry Challenge

Weekly Shopping Report

None this week – we had snow

Frugality Tip From Margo

Some people have memberships that give them rewards. I tend to save them until we need them. I save points and redeem for gift cards for birthday and Christmas gifts. 

 We have a car rental membership that is a work perk so we do not have to pay for it. After so many days you get free rentals. We had a situation come up over the Christmas break that required a pick up truck. We used a free days rental and didn’t have to pay a crazy Holiday price for a rental truck. So by saving those free days, we saved even more money on that much needed truck rental. So sometimes those pay for memberships are very worth their annual fees and this frugal lady has a few.

Happy savings y’all

Operation Independence

To Speed Up, First You Must Slow Down

Last year was the year of hone and life really tossed some tests my direction in that regard. Many tests were new opportunities which is so tempting to take on when they come. But saying yes to everything is a bad habit to have and a great one to decide to get rid of sooner rather than later. By April, I had started saying no to almost everything, especially things that involved travel off the homestead. I had realized that things on my homestead do not flourish as well when I am not here. 

Not being present – and multiple ways that is a truth

Now is the year of enrich – meaning beyond the pocket book. I am asking myself, how am I enriching the world around me?

>Roadblock Busting

*The car

*Operation eyesore

*The paperwork monster

Show notes at 12pm today and the Monday mail has not gone out, the solar webinar is not launched, and that is ok. Previously I would have all these things not half-assed well in advance. But does that enrich the world around me?

To speed up, first you must slow down

Slow down and remove barriers

Slow down and assess priorities – like your true priorities of project, living, relationships, health

Slow down and test assumptions

Slow down and develop systems that work

Slow down and prioritize yourself

Why? If you don’t you will lose the things you do not build into your life.

When you half -ass things they begin to crack around the edged


  1. Always be defining complete as a little bit more
  2. It’s ok to stop mid way and never come back, just take out the trash when you do
  3. Communication is even more importantBe ready to go very fast once you get things dialed in – and then your preparations will be your strength!

So sometimes you need to take that half day to learn an AI tool, dial in the website, or defrag a paperwork monster instead of continually racing forward and building things anew.

Because building the life you choose, means you need to choose. And choosing one thing  can mean walking away from not as good.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

