
Episode 668 – Variety Show for Dec 10, 2022

Every Friday, we record our Homestead Happenings update, followed by a questions and answers session. Today’s podcast is the questions and answers session from yesterday’s podcast. 

Main content of the show

From Jenni

advice on being patient for the big picture when you want to see movement on your goals

From Ken

 and when to make a decision to take a loss and switch to a different goal

From Nathan

How do you prioritize your task list?

Filling in the available time with forward progress and achievables, when things like {shortness of available time segments}{supply chain issues}{weather}{missing piece of puzzle} might otherwise leave one in a frozen “paralysis analysis” state. ?What helps you realize, that which might have temporarily sidelined <The One Big Goal That I Believe In My Heart Must Be Accomplished First> does not necessarily grind you to a halt on every bit of your life simultaneously–unless YOU yourself DECIDE to stop your own progress.

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


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