Today, we dive more deeply into why having a home that works for you is so important to overall success.
Featured Event: Dec 9, Mastersingers Christmas Concert, Cookeville TN:
Sponsor 1:
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Livestream Schedule
Tuesday, 9:30 Live with Jack Spirko and John Willis
Friday, 9:30 Live Homestead Happenings
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
- 10 pound meatloaf
- Awesome venison shin stew LOL
- Waiting on plan despite the chaos went well but took work (The stir fry bail out)
- Getting set for more cold AND to move back into my home this week
- There will be a post Christmas Pantry Audit
- 2 incoming cows this week and the ice cream freezer
Weekly Shopping Report: None posted
Frugality Tip: None Sent
Operation Independence
- 90% of my focus is on Holler Roast Right Now
- A work on podcast schedule: Dec 19 is the last show for 2023 aside from the Night Before Christmas series
Main topic of the Show:
Usually when I talk about this topic, I am explaining how to transform your home from something that costs you money into something that brings YOU money – or at least pays for itself. A cornerstone of homesteading is finding ways to create value from your home no matter if you have 20 acres and a flock of sheep or if you live on a small urban lot or apartment, there are ways to glean value from your home.
But today, we have a different perspective. Remember how I said it is the many small choices you make each day that matter much more than the ones that seem huge?
>Roaster story vs. spending an extra hour each day communicating about what Holler Roast has to offer for the holidays
>Building a root cellar vs making your meal plan each day or week BEFORE you are hungry
Which brings me to today’s true purpose: Your home provides a solid foundation for your success when done right, and it can hinder your progress if done poorly. #funfacts
Look at power couples: often one addresses the domestic foundation either through personal attention or outsourcing so that the other is freed to focus on financial success – but both are successful at what they do.
Each day, we need some things to happen and this list can be different for everyone, but there are themes:
- Proper sleep and activity
- Nutritious food and hydration
- Clean clothing, grooming, etc
- Systems for finding information, managing things that happen
And for the solopreneur: Uninterrupted time to accomplish important tasks (I would say this is necessary for everyone, really) which means nOt hAvinG tO Put oUt fYres aLL tHe thYme.)
Why I am thinking about this topic:
- I had things set pretty much
Why is this a thing?
- CEO Story: Leaving on trips to close deals – the extreme example
- Home chef for Scott – the intermediate example
- Your domestic situation vastly impacts your day. It sets wether you are tired, healthy, put together, worried and so much more – so while it may seem counter intuitive, puttin attention to your home and how it supports your priorities is rarely discussed but very important.
SOE Land: the brilliance of the Employee Lunch
Thoughts on a MESSY vs a CLEANY and how to transform your home into something that works for you (Choose standards you are OK with vs museum standards – or embrace your museumness)
Things you can do to address this – my initial list while I put my life back together
- Follow One Course Until Successful
- Bill and filing system
- Laundry mountain
- The one messy room
- Backlog balance
- Remember to eat on plan
- Etc
- Journaling to identify what is most important – it may be personal habits, it may be a spatial issue
- You make space for what is important to you – are you making space for success or failure
- Phone a friend
>Land on something that includes OMG THE CLUTTER
Membership Plug
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
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