Today I will share a Holler Homestead update and coffee progress, talk a bit about the health care bill that passed last week, and what I have been able to find out it, then walk you through project two of the Learn Canning in 8 Projects series.
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The show content today is near and dear to my heart. I don’t know why, but it seems like every year, no matter how careful I am, I get a bout of poison ivy. Mankind has had problems with poison ivy for a very long time. And that is why it is surprising that we only seem to know as much about it as we do the common cold.
I am coming to you today from a place called Highland Rim Retreats near Fall Creek Falls in Tennessee! Today, I thought it would be fun to do something a little different. We will talk about the five elements of homemade salad dressing. Read more
Well well well, the past week has been full of strange misadventures. We’ve demo’d a new coffee bean for Holler Roast Coffee, run it by a friend, found someone willing to help me grow the business by loaning me a few extra roasters, opened the cabin rental for the season, out the newspaper to bed and even decided to put out tomatoes before May 1, my usual planting date. And it has made me think about how it is so easy to prepare for some things, but getting ahead in finances can be really tough. So today, I thought I would run through my thought process as I decide if I will grow the Holler Roast business beyond it’s extremely limited market.
The eight week time-pressure episode has arrived! That’s right, Center Hill Sun goes to press this week – though there is still time to place an ad if you want to reach 20,000 people who love the outdoors, rural living and country fun. 🙂
Today we have a chat with Dori Mulder, the person who was getting ready to close on land and has written in a few times. She bought a fantastic 40 acre place with a house built unto a CAVE right on a RIVER.
We’ve gotten lots of feedback on the last episode from folks who wanted to go to that workshop and have never been able to. It got me to thinking. What if we do a homesteading workshop right here this coming September? In former years, we have had one or two orientations followed by lots of raucous camping fun, but wouldn’t it be fun to do something that allows us all to share best practices from Tennessee on what we are best at?
Deal: Cider Hollow wants to offer 5% off their bare root trees and comfrey. Get ’em while you still can!
This week I took the opportunity of being in the car for 26 hours with the famous Mike Vertrees to record an interview with him about the workshop we attended at Jack Spirko’s place. This workshop was fantastic – and exhausting. There will be expanded show notes on Wednesday, my friends.
Song: Dr. Feeley, Dr. Skinner – Sauce
Direct Download.
Today we will talk about how important it is to build flexibility into your life because it helps make you more resilient when things change. We will also talk about what has happened since we started getting serious about the egg and coffee business, cover how the paper is doing and I will share with you a bit about how the Grafting workshop went over at Cider Hollow
Today we are going to talk about what NOT TO DO when you first move to your new homestead. These are three things that I really wish we had known before we dove into the Holler Homestead. Also today, a brand new gluten free, dairy free, soy free potluck recipe. I’ve got some updates to share about the Holler Homestead and we will go over Toby Hemenway’s 8th chapter of Gaia’s Garden.
Today’s topic: Starting Seedlings for the Newbee. Also today, a comment on some of the divisiveness we have all been experiencing and some thoughts on why certain words trigger bad behavior – especially online. More importantly, we will talk about something you might do to de-escalate these situations.
Also, we will be re-upping the Toby Hemmenway segment not THIS WEEK, but next week. Be ready next week for that one.